We went to Crazy Horse today. Crazy Horse is a monument that is being created and has been a work in progress for the last 50 years. When it is complete, it will be the largest monument in the US. To give some perspective, Mt Rushmore could fit in his neck. It is massive, yet somehow humbling. It represents all the Indian Tribes and is a sculpture from the granite mountain of an American Indian riding a stallion pointing to the land. He is pointing to all his land where his people are buried. Crazy Horse was a great warrior and never signed a peace treaty. He had once said that the white man broke many promises, but kept only one, they promised to take our land, and they did. This memorial makes me ashamed. My kids learned a valuable lesson. We have national parks to protect special places because if left to the common man, we would strip it of everything. We have spent the last 3 ½ months exploring this America and it still amazes me of the lack of restraint that so many of us have. Walking off trails over precious grounds, touching pictographs and getting the oil from our hands on it, taking a lizard out of a stream and putting it in their pocket (while their parent watches), and don’t get me started on the littering problem. We are a very self centered society we could of learned a lot from these Indians, if we had not been so entitled and realized, like them, we are just visitors.
Crazy Horse
Sunday, August 10, 2014